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Why I'm a Stay at Home Mom

I've always wanted to be a mom, and up until the day I met my baby girl, I had always planned on working to help support my family.
I've worked full time and over time hours any chance I could get from the time I was 16, and I am now 27. It was instilled in me my entire life that I need to work for what I want. So that's what I've always done.
When my daughter was only 7 weeks old, I went back to work at the animal hospital I'd worked at for 6 years prior. I did this because I loved my job. I did it because I thought that it was best for my family to contribute financially like I always had.
I did suffer from post partum depression, and being away from my baby was really hard. I cried every day dropping her off with a friend, held back the tears throughout my work day, and felt completely overwhelmed on how to manage being a mom, a wife, an employee, take care of my home and pets, and still address my emotions and be happy.
I was now completely responsible for another humans life, yet at not even 2 months old I was handing her off for someone else to care for. I was torn, every single day, on what to do. Unfortunately, I'd come home after my work days to my daughter and husband, still distraught because my days were being spent with an aching heart. I took all the advice I could to manage my post partum symptoms, but nothing seemed to help. My husband and I had one of our hardest years together despite being together for 10 years and newly married at the time. He was more help than I ever could have imagined, but it wasn't in his control to fix this for me. I had to make a choice.

So 2 weeks before my daughters 1st birthday, I made that choice. I made a leap of faith to walk away from something I loved, for something I loved even more. I put in my 2 weeks notice at my job and my last day working for the animal hospital was the day before my daughter turned one year old. I have been home with her for over a year now.
My husband and I now have a better relationship than we've ever had before. I have gotten to see my daughter grow from a baby just learning to walk, to a wild and sassy 2 year old that bounces around with more energy and personality than I ever knew was possible and I've loved every second of it!
I get to teach her things; and not just about colors, the abc's and how to count. But I get to teach her how to love, show respect and chase your dreams. I get to lead by example for her every single day. Do we struggle financially? Sure do.
Am I still stressed out and overwhelmed at times being a full time mommy? You bet!
Would I change my decision today and go back to work if I had the opportunity? Absolutely not!
For as long as my family can make ends meet, I will cherish every minute I get to be home with my daughter.


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