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Science Diet Advocate

As a 7 year experienced veterinary assistant, whose job for most of that included inventory management of our animal hospitals supply of dog and cat food, I can say I am and always will be, an advocate for feeding my pets Science Diet.

Not only did I see it positively affect the lives of thousands of pets at my past job, but my own pets are proof as well.

I always fed my pets Science Diet until I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. I decided I could no longer invest that kind of money into my pets nutrition, even though I knew how important it was. I replaced all my pets food with basic store brands and within 6 months of the change, both of my cats and both of my dogs health declined.

My 3 year old cats began urinating in our home which had never happened before and one or both of the cats had crystals and blood in their urine (never did find out which one it was).
One of my dogs had signs of what looked to be a stroke from an unknown cause shortly after the food change and now has life long physical and mental changes. He also tends to have a weak stomach, and I could not find a diet that did not cause occasional vomiting for him during this time.
As well, both of my dogs skin, hair coat and bowel habits completely diminishing.

That being said, about 1 year after changing them from science diet, and a good 6 months of feeling like all my pets now had health problems because of it, I decided it was time to put them all back on Science Diet.
Now; all of their coats are healthier, regular bowel movements, no more abnormal or innapropriate urination habits from the cats, and my dog who had the stroke not only has his spunk back, but he hasn't vomited once since changing him back to Science Diet.
It was my job, in a way I was a sales person, pushing people to buy the best quality pet food so our hospital could make a small profit. But I wrote this with full intentions of just spreading the word as a customer testimony. I live on a tight budget, don't work for the animal hospital anymore and still would recommend to anyone feeding their dogs and cats Science Diet.

I also LOVE buying pet food online! I really dislike driving around town to find the best prices, when I can get the best price by ordering from Amazon and have it shipped to my house. Below are the diets I feed, but Science Diet has many diet options and you can browse them through any of the links below!


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