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Simply Set Up For Success (4 rules to feeding that will keep your toddler full!)

What I learned with feeding my 2 year old, is that I was presenting her foods to her wrong; or not the way she preferred.
I'm not one that will make an entire separate meal just for my kid, she gets offered for her meals the same thing I'm making for the whole family.
However, I've noticed by adjusting these 4 things, it has helped her to the point she is clearing her plates, and eating minimal snacks, versus hardly touching what's in front of her at meal time and throwing most of it onto the floor if I didn't catch her in time. Plus asking for snacks all day!
She prefers things simple, and each option separated from the others. So if I've made something like chicken alfredo with noodles and broccoli for dinner, I may eat it all together in one bowl.
But she's more likely to eat all of it if the chicken, noodles and broccoli are all separated out on a plate. In a way, it's too complicated for her to figure out how to eat something like a sandwich or a burrito where there are multiple food items wrapped up together as one. She wants to see each option separate and pick which ones she likes.
I offer my daughter 3 options at each meal and snack. Check out my post called "Rule of 3" to see why I do this!
If you have a picky eater, try simplifying what's being presented, pick it all apart for them ahead of time so they aren't picking through it.
My feisty girl will spill anything like soup or cereal, so I tend to avoid things that I know will be a mess or a challenge for her, and set her up for success when it comes to filling up her tummy!

My daughters pediatrician told me something once that has always stuck with me: a healthy growing child, will not starve themselves if food is being presented to them. And it's so true!
Everyone likes chocolate chip cookies and chips, but if those are not included in her daily snack choices, it will become habit for her to pick the healthy options throughout her life if she gets those options now.

So to sum it all up, here are the 4 things I added to my daughters feeding routine that really helped:

1. Offer 3 different and separated options, every time food is being offered.

2. Offer milk WITH meals, and water or juice WITH snacks, instead of filling up on liquids between meals. (Obviously don't deny your child water if they ask for it between meals or snacks!)

3. Continue to offer the option they're digging! Fill up those little bellies. This is why I offer healthy stuff, so no matter what she's askin for more of, at least I know it's good for her!

4. Offer meals first! Instead of a snack first thing in the morning, make a quick easy breakfast. Then offer snacks after filling up with a plate of the good stuff. And repeat this for lunch and dinner.


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