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My Mission: Do all that I do, happily!

My hopes for starting this page is to share with the world, the millions of things I do and think about daily.
As a wife and stay at home mom I always want my family taken care of and happy; and that starts with me.
I love writing, and I get a lot more out on a keyboard or with a pen and paper then my mouth ever could.
I'd really love for people to learn from me. I am not perfect what so ever, I don't work out everyday, sometimes I indulge in food that's not the best for me, and I'm sure my sassy personality has gotten me into trouble more times than I'm willing to admit. But I have many important jobs in my life and it is my mission to do EVERYTHING I do, happily.
I keep up with owning a home which I like clean, organized and nicely decorated. I teach my child and care for her every need, love and appreciate my husband, support my friends and treat my pets as part of the family. Budgeting and saving money when I shop is always a must. I want people to have the courage to take control of their life, and make it what they want, instead of wishing for that life. I think no matter what defines us, we all have something to learn from each other. There are many things that put a smile on my face, and I try to surround my self with those things 24/7. Once you find those things too, and implement them into your life EVERYDAY... you will be happily living life YOUR WAY.

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