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Happy Mommy

Before I even knew what it meant to be one, I knew I wanted to be a mommy. And becoming a mommy, made me realize how important happiness is.
I don't think anyone really knows until you are a mom (or dad) what it takes, no matter your age. I just know the way I've always looked up to my mom, that someday I wanted someone to look up to me like that.
But just because I've always wanted to be a mom, in no way means I'm a perfect one now that I am one.
I can have a temper, I cuss, I forget things, and sometimes I slack on my house chores. But I'm teaching my daughter what I think is most important in life: do what you love to do, every single day!
Love unconditionally, show respect, earn what you want in life, and choose to be happy.
Humans have emotions, every one of us. We all feel happy and sad, stressed, excited or overwhelmed. Life will ALWAYS throw us hardships, no matter how beautiful, wealthy or popular you are.
Life will be hard.
I hope my daughter learns to show her emotions, all of them, good and bad.
Don't hold any of them in; find an outlet for when you're upset so it doesn't bottle up.
Pour affection and care into anything you love.
You have to look past all the negative things in life and remind yourself of the good you have and the good you can create around you... all by yourself... EVERYDAY!
These have become the two single most important things to me... being HAPPY... and being MOMMY.


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