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Clarity and Happiness

I have no degree, and I am no specialist or expert.
I am just a girl who doesn't like unanswered questions.
I've been through a lot, seen a lot, heard a lot, and take time to evaluate each situation I'm in to understand it better and learn from it. With this comes constant thinking, simply to find the answers to all of my questions.
I know that not all questions have just one answer. But I use logic, common sense, cause and effect, and what's right and wrong to process my thoughts and this helps me establish clarity, and sometimes clarity is all we really get.
Everyone has their own opinions, but I'm not talking about opinions here.
I'm talking about facts.
I break down my experiences and my emotions into parts and find a rational reason for each one so they all fit back together like a puzzle.
There's not a more enlightening feeling than something that has left you confused, now making total sense.
Sometimes just understanding a situation, not necessarily liking or agreeing with it, but fully understanding WHY, is the most important thing to help you move forward. And sometimes, understanding means realizing the situation is completely out of your control.
We're not powerful enough to control what happens around us, yet we are powerful enough to control how it effects us.
I know what it's like to feel completely misunderstood, or have no understanding of why something hurtful or tragic is happening in my life.
But tomorrow is always a new day and you can wake up every morning challenging yourself to move forward, put the past in the past and remove anything negative in your life.
It's your choice, it's your life.
Choose to be happy no matter the risk.
People get stuck under labels viewed as negative such as an over-thinker, a worryer, or having anger issues just to name a few. But those can ALL be turned around into something positive. If you can't shut your brain off; get it out, write it down, join a support group or try being creative and make some art. I promise other people over think about the same things.
If you worry a lot; evaluate your specific worries and figure out why they're there; Fear of history repeating itself? Lack of confidence? Afraid of change? I promise other people are worried about the same things.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or angry a lot; find an outlet; buy a punching bag, do yoga or meditate, journal your feelings daily. I promise you, once again, other people are feeling angry and overwhelmed about the same things!
Being confused or letting a situation effect your life negatively, is a choice.
The resources are out there to change that. Whether it's researching facts or someone's opinion that gives you a new outlook.
Understand for clarity.
Choose to be happy.


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