I always try to give balanced meals and offer at each one a protein, carbohydrate, and a fruit or vegetable. I make anything from waffles, to muffins, pancakes or French toast. Sometimes its just wheat toast with peanut butter or jam. Sometimes we add chocolate chips to the pancakes and berries to the muffins. She loves eggs cooked any way, and breakfast sausage and bacon! If I'm not in the mood for cooking in the morning, I'll offer her something easy like toast with fruit and yogurt. Then just avoid giving yogurt or that fruit again for a snack that day so she has variety throughout the day!
Here's some of our go to's for breakfast:
•Scrambled eggs, bacon, and peaches.
•Triple berry muffin, hard boiled egg, and strawberries.
•Chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter, breakfast sausage, and a cute orange.
•Wheat toast with jam, cheese, and a banana.
•Cheese omelet, sausage links, and melon chunks.
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