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Teaching Toddlers Manners

We're always so hard on ourselves as parents. We question if we've done the right thing in so many different situations. But let's face it; some parenting choices are simply just that, a personal choice and not a matter of right or wrong.
So we have to change it up in those moments, and instead determine what's good vs bad instead of right or wrong.
I've taken something like teaching my daughter manner into my control, and made a choice on not what is supposed to be right, but instead teaching my daughter the "good" side of life.
To be positive, supportive and understanding in situations that appear negative.
I'm so proud of my daughter when she uses her manners.
I noticed just before turning 2 years old, she started talking well and asking for things more. And even though I had always told her to say please and thank you, she wasn't using them much when it was actually needed.
But one thing she was also doing during this time was trying to help with anything she could and trying to do new things on her own.
So, I took advantage of this and saw it as an opportunity to teach her to actually start using manners.
I began allowing her to partake and help in chores around the house (putting away dishes, sweeping, picking up toys, folding laundry, putting garbage in the trash, etc) as well as her self care routine (changing diaper, changing clothes, bathing, brushing teeth, fixing hair, etc).
And when I'd ask her to help with these things, as she willingly would, I would not only praise her for helping by saying something like "great job girl!" but actually tell her "thank you" for her efforts and doing what I'd asked. And I began repeating this EVERY time she helped with or completed a task.
This has trickled down and effected her better than I ever thought it would.
I'm leading by example, when I ask her for something and she does it, I say thank you.

So it made me realize; why would I expect her to say "thank you" to me when I've done something for her, if I am not saying that to her when she's done something for me.
And before I knew it, anytime she'd ask for a snack and got one "thank you mama".
I help put on her shoes "thank you mama".
I buckle her into her car seat "thank you mama".
Change her diaper "thank you mama".

You get the jist.

Besides thank you, we've also incorporated please, excuse me, saying hi and bye, and overall being more vocally expressive and appreciative for the things she wants and gets.
I can truly say after doing this CONSTANTLY for a few months, I saw a major improvement and am very proud of not just her, but myself as well.

I have probably used my manners more in the past 6 months than I have in many years. But that's because having a young child who did not use them opened my eyes to how I wanted to raise my daughter.
One of the most important things I want my daughter to do in life, is respect.

I want her to know that good things will come to those who work hard, to respect others, appreciate what you have and why you have it, and always choose to be happy.

Because THAT is how you reveal the GOOD side of life.

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